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[Shishi Textile and Garment Industry Alliance Phase II Quality Improvement Action Launched]
Release date:[2019/7/4] Is reading[385]次

Promote enterprises to improve quality and efficiency, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, as the industry's bridge and wind vane, Shishi Textile and Garment Industry Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "the Alliance") is duty-bound. In the face of increasingly complex economic situation and domestic and international environment, how to consolidate and enhance the competitive advantage of Shishi textile and garment industry, and lead enterprises to optimize management, improve quality and improve efficiency?

Alliance staff visit member companies to understand the needs of the company.

Last year, the alliance explored a new path of “government + alliance + consulting organization + enterprise”. The quality improvement action was carried out in the alliance enterprises, and third-party consulting organizations were invited to conduct in-depth research and consulting services, and targeted assistance. The company analyzed and solved the problems of production and operation, and put forward personalized suggestions. The first action was widely praised by the company. Continuing last year's good practice, at the end of May this year, the Alliance officially launched the second phase of quality improvement action, and plans to select 35 small and micro-manufacturing enterprises to carry out the “excellent management lean management system” quality improvement action to help enterprises improve quality and efficiency.

30 of the first service companies have benefited more than 2.5 million yuan

“Shishi’s textile and garment enterprises are mostly traditional enterprises, and there are many family businesses. Compared with some modern enterprises, there are certain defects in management and operation.” The relevant person in charge of the alliance secretariat told the reporter, “These In the year, enterprises are facing the level of transformation and upgrading. In addition to the upgrades on hardware devices, we hope to provide more assistance to enterprises in the management of 'software'."

Last year, the alliance invited Quanzhou Guoxin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to carry out the first phase of industrial quality improvement action for apparel enterprises. After extensively researching more than 160 enterprises in the city, it finally selected 30 companies to carry out 2.0 micro consulting business services. Among them, 10 benchmark enterprises were selected to carry out key training and 3 improvement projects were carried out; 20 non-standard enterprises established one improvement project, focused on entrepreneurs to carry out thematic training, and selected a pipeline pilot to track the results.

“We participated in the first phase of the event, and the effect is still very good.” The person in charge of Quanzhou Pengtai Garments Co., Ltd. said, “It is mainly to bring us a new concept of management and benefit a lot.” It is understood that the first Among the more than three months of the project, 30 companies participated in the project improvement, and 67 improvement projects were set up. The project approved through the project is expected to improve the income by more than 2.5 million yuan.

Alliance member companies launch refined management rectification projects

It is proposed to select 35 small and micro enterprises to optimize management mechanism

According to the staff of the Alliance Secretariat, this year's quality improvement action was launched in May and is currently in the stage of corporate visit research. Not long ago, the reporter followed the staff of the Secretariat to go deep into the enterprise to understand the current market environment and business operations, and to inquire about the relevant needs of enterprises.

"This year we will focus on the promotion of enterprises with an annual output value of 20 million to 50 million yuan, and we will select 35 small and micro-manufacturing enterprises to carry out the "Quality Management Lean Management System" theme quality management improvement action." Secretariat related staff Said.

According to the arrangement, in this year's quality improvement action, the alliance will continue to invite Quanzhou Guoxin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to form an advisory group, visit relevant enterprises for data diagnosis, and prepare written investigation and diagnosis reports to provide solutions for the lack of analysis and management of enterprises. "This year we also selected 10 benchmarking companies. The expert group followed up with the counselor for 2 months, and counseled for 3 days each month to formulate improvement plans and build a benchmark. 25 non-standard companies were selected, and the expert group followed up with one coach. In the month, an improvement team was set up to develop an improvement plan,” the staff member said.

In addition, the alliance will also organize entrepreneurs and senior executives to participate in the two-day, one-night "excellent management lean management system" training, arrange one day to study in excellent enterprises, and further improve the management of entrepreneurs and operators. Consciousness lays the foundation for "smart" for the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

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