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[Shaanxi Textile and Apparel School-Enterprise Cooperation Conference Held in Shaanxi International Business College]
Release date:[2018/7/24] Is reading[520]次

On the morning of the 6th, the Shaanxi Textile and Apparel School-Enterprise Cooperation Conference was held on the second floor of the Academic Report Hall of Shaanxi International Business College. Huang Xinmin, Dean of Shaanxi International Business College, Fan Xiangyu, Assistant Dean, Tian Fuhai, President of Shaanxi Textile Industry Association, Yan Jiamin, Vice President and Secretary General of Shaanxi Textile Industry Association, Wang Yu, Secretary of Continuing Education, Xi'an Engineering University, Shaanxi Textile Vice President of Industry Association, Director of Garment Home Textiles Committee, Dean Qumei of Fashion Art College of Shaanxi International Business College, Zhou Liying of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and more than 60 experts and scholars, Shaanxi textile and garment entrepreneurs attended the meeting.

Dean Huang Xinmin first gave a welcome speech on behalf of the school. He warmly welcomed the arrival of the guests, and gave a comprehensive introduction to the general situation of school development, school-enterprise cooperation and talent education. He pointed out that the school has always adhered to the school-enterprise cooperation and open school concept, and the construction of the school is the investment of enterprises. The school has also been constantly adjusting the professional settings according to the needs of market development and corporate positions, reforming the education model, changing the talent training model, and actively exploring various forms of joint education. It is hoped that the conference will be held to promote the School of Fashion Art of Shaanxi International Business College. It is more helpful to carry out school-enterprise cooperation work. He said that the school is constantly doing this work, and it is imperative for the school-enterprise cooperation work to be carried out.

President Tian Fuhai introduced the development status of Shaanxi textile and garment industry and emphasized the urgency of talent export to revitalize the textile and garment industry in our province. He believes that the Shaanxi textile and garment industry in the transformation and upgrading needs to be stable, bigger, and stronger. It requires all efforts. In particular, clothing colleges and enterprises should strengthen school-enterprise cooperation, give play to their talents and intellectual advantages, and share win-win results. He said that "integration of production and education, school-enterprise cooperation", there is no standard format, and it is best for you. It is hoped that schools and enterprises will take the initiative to explore various modes of cooperation, cultivate talents and revitalize the industry.

Mr. Fang Zhenxing, the deputy general manager of Shaanxi Weizhi Brand Operation Company, agreed with the application-oriented school of our school. He briefly introduced the development history of Weizhi and emphasized the enterprise's eagerness for CAD design and marketing talents. He believes that the school-enterprise cooperation conference is a platform for ideological exchange, cooperative research, and common improvement. The demand for talents of enterprises is the interpretation of the association, schools, and enterprises.

Dean Qu Mei of the School of Fashion Art of Shaanxi International Business College focused on the work of the School of Fashion Art in school-enterprise cooperation. She emphasized that the needs of both enterprises and schools are not uniform in the work, and the phenomenon of "two skins" is presented. It is necessary to build a bridge of "association" and give full play to their respective advantages. School-enterprise cooperation can really benefit. The development of industry is inseparable from the cultivation of talents and the support of talents. She also appeals to enterprises to pay more attention to the cultivation of talents and to retain people in various ways. Enterprises can really benefit. "Or else it can only be married to others. clothes".

Professor Zhou Liying, a representative of the School of Design of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, reiterated the disconnect between the school and the company. She believes that the boundaries between teachers and technicians can be broken through the integration of factory-style institutions and college-style factories. Teachers go to the workshop and develop practical courses to truly combine theory and practice to form synergy.

After the meeting, Huang Xinmin, Dean of Shaanxi International Business College, signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement with Shaanxi Textile Industry Association and Zhengzhou Garment Association on behalf of the school. President Tian signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement on behalf of the Shaanxi Textile Industry Association and the School of Continuing Education of Xi'an Engineering University. Dean Qumei represents the School of Fashion Art of Shaanxi International Business College and Xi'an Jingcheng Professional Garment Co., Ltd., Lantian Qinwei Garment Co., Ltd., Xi'an Beautiful Fashion Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Yuanran Xinsheng Garment Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Green Summer Clothing Co., Ltd. Companies and other companies signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement.

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