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[Zhejiang Province held mulberry pest control technology training and prevention and control arrangement meeting]
Release date:[2018/8/19] Is reading[540]次

In order to improve the prevention and control of mulberry diseases and insect pests and improve the comprehensive prevention and control technology level of mulberry diseases and insect pests in the province, on August 7, Zhejiang Provincial Plantation Administration Bureau held a training meeting on the training and prevention and control of mulberry pest control technology in Haining City. Some sericulture main producing areas, city, county (district) sericulture station leader and mulberry plant protection person in charge, provincial plantation administration leaders and experts, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences sericulture experts and other more than 30 people attended the meeting.

The meeting was presided over by Pan Meiliang, senior agronomist of the Section of Sericulture Science and Technology of Zhejiang Provincial Plantation Administration. The meeting was first taught by the researcher of mulberry sericulture in Haining City, Zhejiang Province, and the researcher of mulberry sang sang station Chen Weiguo. The key counties and cities of sericulture exchanged their achievements in recent years, and reported on the occurrence of mulberry and the next prevention and control measures. Researcher Lu Zhiqiang, a sericulture expert of sericulture in Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, focused on the relationship between mulberry pests and mulberry varieties. I hope that all localities will pay attention to the investigation of the occurrence of different mulberry varieties and mulberry pests.

At the end of the meeting, Wu Haiping, the director of the Zhejiang Sericulture Association, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Plantation Administration, made an important contribution to the prevention and control of mulberry pests and diseases in Zhejiang Province. Director Wu put forward the following opinions on the prevention and control of mulberry pests and diseases:

First, we must attach great importance to the understanding of the importance of mulberry work. Doing a good job in mulberry insurance is the basic work for the sericulture industry. Therefore, it is hoped that the sericulture stations in the key sericulture counties and cities will send special personnel to do the work of mulberry insurance. At the same time, it is necessary to report to the leaders in time to attract the attention of the leaders to the work of Sangbao.

Second, do a good job in daily mulberry pest research and study and guide the prevention and control work. The investigation of mulberry pests and diseases is very hard. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of serving the majority of silkworm farmers without fear of hard work. Do a good job in daily investigation of mulberry diseases and insect pests, and timely release information on mulberry pests and diseases, and do a good job in propaganda through various channels, and do their best to guide them. Silkworm farmers have taken good control of mulberry diseases and insects.

Third, vigorously promote comprehensive prevention and control of green prevention and control. On the basis of pesticides for the prevention and control of mulberry pests and diseases, vigorously promote comprehensive prevention and control of green prevention and control, and adjust the layout of sericulture, adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures such as biological control, agricultural control, insect trapping, artificial killing, etc. Other prevention and control techniques such as attractants control the harm of mulberry pests and diseases.

Fourth, strive to do a good job in the safety of sericulture. Safe production of sericulture is the focus of sericulture workers. Safe production is not only related to the increase in production and income of the majority of silkworm farmers, but also related to the stability of rural society. Maintaining social stability is a top priority. In the specific work, it is recommended to recommend safe pesticides, pesticide concentration should be registered, strengthen communication with the agricultural plant protection department, and do their best to do sericulture safety work.

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